159 Quotes by Andrew Young
"One of the principles of nonviolence is that you leave your opponents whole and better off than you found them."
"I was much more comfortable and a much better congressman running in a district that was 37 percent black, where I had to have a white constituency to get elected, than I would have been if I was in a 75 percent black district."
"Our children lost our direction because they have been compromised. They have found freedom at the ballot box, and then they have taken on plastic chains around their minds and souls and mortgage their future on credit cards. They have to learn better - they have to learn the value of ideas and health as opposed to wealth."
"The pluses outweigh the minuses. They do give benefits, they do have health insurance."
"We're here to proclaim a victory. We're here, not to wallow in tragedy, but to celebrate a triumph of the human spirit."
"From my discussions with Michael, his finances were structured precisely according to his wishes. I understand the money is exactly where it is supposed to be."