417 Quotes by Andrzej Sapkowski

  • Author Andrzej Sapkowski
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    With the Inquisition? But what will they accuse us of?''The problem isn't what they accuse us of.' Scharley's voice was extremely gloomy. 'The problem is what we confess to.

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  • Author Andrzej Sapkowski
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    It's an invention, a fairy tale devoid of any sense, like all the legends in which good spirits and fortune tellers fulfill wishes. Stories like that are made up by poor simpletons, who can't even dream of fulfilling their wishes and desires themselves. I'm pleased you're not one of them, Geralt of Rivia. It makes you closer in spirit to me. If I want something, I don't dream of it—I act. And I always get what I want.

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  • Author Andrzej Sapkowski
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    How does it happen, thought Ciri, what can it be ascribed to, that in all worlds, places and times, in all languages and dialects that one word always sounds comprehensible? And always similar?"Yes. I must ride to my mamma. My mamma is waiting for me.

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  • Author Andrzej Sapkowski
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    A crime...' Reynevan cleared his throat, 'is always a crime. Nothing can justify it.''Indeed?''Nothing. One cannot-''Do you know what, Reynevan?' For the first time, Samson manifested something like impatience. 'Go and play chess. That will be to your taste - black here, white there and all the fields square.

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  • Author Andrzej Sapkowski
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    Cats like sleeping and resting on intersections. There are many stories about magical animals but really, apart from the dragon, the cat is the only creature which can absorb the force. No one knows why a cat absorbs it and what it does with it...

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  • Author Andrzej Sapkowski
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    Protecting people, saving their lives, how do you judge that; bad or good? Those fourteen on the hill? You on that there bridge? What were you doing? Good or bad?''I don't know' said Geralt with effort. 'I don't know, Yurga. Sometimes it seems to me that I know. And sometimes I have doubts. Would you like your son to have doubts like that?' 'Why not?' the merchant said gravely. 'He might as well. For it's a human and good thing.''What?''Doubts. Only evil, sir, never has any.

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  • Author Andrzej Sapkowski
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    Il male è male, Stregobor. Minore, maggiore, medio, è sempre lo stesso, le proporzioni sono convenzionali, i limiti cancellati. Non sono un santo eremita, non ho fatto solo del bene in vita mia. Ma, se devo scegliere tra un male e un altro, preferisco non scegliere affatto.

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  • Author Andrzej Sapkowski
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    «E noi di Wyzima invece siamo qui ad aspettare un miracolo e a ogni luna piena spranghiamo le porte o leghiamo i criminali a un palo davanti al maniero, fiduciosi che il mostro li divorerà e tornerà nella sua bara.»«Niente male come metodo. La criminalità è diminuita?»«Neanche un po'»

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