519 Quotes by Andy Stanley

  • Author Andy Stanley
  • Quote

    The most significant visions are not cast by great orators from a stage. They are cast at the bedsides of our children. The greatest visioncasting opportunities happen between the hours of 7:30 and 9:30 PM Monday through Sunday. In these closing hours of the day we have a unique opportunity to plant the seeds of what could be and what should be. Take every opportunity you get.

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  • Author Andy Stanley
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    The truth is that church by its nature is a very general concept and most people are not looking for a church; otherwise, churches would be full of visitors every week. What people are looking for is something that works for them as individuals. And that is something specific, not general.

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  • Author Andy Stanley
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    Nothing has stolen more dreams, dashed more hopes, broken up more families, and messed up more people psychologically than our propensity to disregard God's commands regarding sexual purity.

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  • Author Andy Stanley
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    Just because there isn't a "Thou shalt not" attached to a situation does not necessarily mean it is a "Thou shalt.

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  • Author Andy Stanley
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    The primary reason we do too much is that we have never taken the time to discover that portion of what we do that makes the biggest difference.

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  • Author Andy Stanley
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    The God of Christianity never claims to be fair. He goes beyond fair. The Bible teaches that he decided not to give us what we deserve- that's mercy. In addition, God decided to give us exactly what we didn't deserve- we call that grace.

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