77 Quotes by Angelos Michalopoulos
"The dictatorship of hate has by now completely vanquished the democracy of pleasure."
"Whenever man fights with somebody else he is fighting with his own truth at the same time"
"I want to become the favorite song of my own uprising. I want to see the most forgotten, unused part of my soul the one which for years I kept closed out of spite, find the courage to go up to my mind and start writing liberation slogans across its highest fences."
"As long as you create, you are being created."
"I was always able to descend the uphills of my life faster than I could ascend its downhills."
"No matter how many hours you keep undressing yourself you will never be able to take all your clothes off until you first manage to love your nakedness."
"It`s not darkness that turns off the lights in your life, it`s your sadness that does it."
"To save himself from his self-criticism, man invented the word almost."
"The biggest fear man has is that he will never get to meet the meaning of his life."