78 Quotes by Anita Loos

  • Author Anita Loos
  • Quote

    Sometimes writers of no talent at all can write great acting scenes. Sometimes the very best writers can’t write scenes that come to life.

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  • Author Anita Loos
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    I’ve always loved high style in low company.

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  • Author Anita Loos
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    One might feel that, at my age, I should look on life with more gravity. After all, I’ve been privileged to listen, firsthand, tosome of the most profound thinkers of my daywho were all beset by gloom over the condition the world had gotten into. Then why can’t I view it with anything but amusement?

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  • Author Anita Loos
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    I mean Fanny is almost historical, because when a girl is cute for 50 years it really begins to get historical.

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  • Author Anita Loos
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    His mother is having treatments by Dr. Froyd... it is quite hard for Dr. Froyd, because she cannot seem to remember which is a dream and which really happened to her. So she tells him everything, and he has to use his judgement. I mean when she tells him that a very very handsome young gentleman tried to flirt with her on Fifth Avenue, he uses his judgment.

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  • Author Anita Loos
  • Quote

    You can say what you want about the Germans being full of “kunst”, but what they are really full of is delicatessen.

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