482 Quotes by Ann Brashares
- Author Ann Brashares
Quando anche le sue palpebre cominciarono a calare, Tibby si sdraiò con cautela, posando la testa sul cuscino, accanto a quella di Bailey. Sentiva il solletico leggero dei suoi capelli contro la guancia. Le lacrime le scivolarono fuori, scorsero oblique fino alle orecchie e sui capelli di Bailey. Sperava che andasse bene così. Sarebbe rimasta lì a tenere la mano di Bailey tutto il tempo, così lei non avrebbe avuto paura di non averne abbastanza
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- Author Ann Brashares
I Pantaloni ci promettevano che c’era tempo. Niente sarebbe andato perduto. Avevamo un anno intero, se ce ne fosse stato bisogno. Avevamo tutta la strada fino all’estate successiva: allora avremmo tirato fuori i Pantaloni e, insieme o separate, avremmo ricominciato da capo
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- Author Ann Brashares
Era triste per quello che era successo a Kostos. E da qualche parte era triste perché gente come Bee e Kostos, che avevano perso tutto, erano ancora aperti all’amore, e lei che non aveva perso nulla non lo era.
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- Author Ann Brashares
Someday when you're twenty, maybe, I'll see you again. You'll be this hot soccer star at some great school, with a million guys more interesting than I am chasing you down. And you know what? I'll see you and I'll pray you want me still.
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- Author Ann Brashares
She'd cried over a broken heart before. She knew what that felt like, and it didn't feel like this. Her heart felt not so much broken as just ... empty. It felt like she was an outline empty in the middle. The outline cried senselessly for the absent middle. The past cried for the present that was nothing.
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- Author Ann Brashares
Grief was like a newborn, and the first three months were hard as hell, but by six months you'd recognized defeat, shifted your life around, and made room for it.
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- Author Ann Brashares
How could you cleanse yourself if you couldn’t forget?
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- Author Ann Brashares
She spilled rice on my knee, and she smiled. I wanted her to spill a thousand things on me, lava, acid, bricks, anything, and smile each time
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- Author Ann Brashares
Show me a girl with her feet planted firmly on the ground and I'll show you a girl who can't put her pants on.-Annik Marchand
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