716 Quotes by Ann Coulter

  • Author Ann Coulter
  • Quote

    Whenever a liberal begins a peevish complaint with a throat-clearing equivocation like, “Of course, we all agree,” your antennae should go up. This is how liberals couch statements they assume all Americans would demand they make, but which they secretly chafe at.

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  • Author Ann Coulter
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    All Democrats for the last 30 years have tried to stimulate the economy by giving ‘tax cuts’ to people who don’t pay taxes.

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  • Author Ann Coulter
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    Once man’s connection to the divine is denied, you can reason yourself from here to anywhere.

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  • Author Ann Coulter
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    Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly refuses to show the Muslim cartoons on The O’Reilly Factor, saying he doesn’t want to offend anyone’s religion. Someone should tell him those endless interviews with prostitutes from the Bunny Ranch and porn stars aren’t high on Christians’ list of enjoyable viewing either.

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  • Author Ann Coulter
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    The left’s idea of science is that we should all be riding bicycles and using the Clivus Multrum composting latrines instead of flush toilets. Anyone who dissents, they say – while adjusting their healing crystals for emphasis – is afraid of science.

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  • Author Ann Coulter
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    The Democrats never particularly cared for Americans, so they needed to bring in new people. Immigration is the advance wave of left-wing, Third World colonization of America. Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards used to claim that there are “two Americas,” the rich and the poor. If Democrats have their way, there will be two Latin Americas, both of them poor. You’re living in one of them right now.

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  • Author Ann Coulter
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    If you want to find the cool, anti-establishment rebels who don’t answer to The Man on college campuses today, you have to go to a meeting of the College Republicans. They are rebelling against at least 99 percent of their professors.

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  • Author Ann Coulter
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    For decades now, the Democrats have had a good gig buying the votes of government workers with outrageous salaries, benefits and work rules – and then sticking productive earners with the bill. But, now, we’re out of money.

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  • Author Ann Coulter
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    Why couldn’t Obama have picked somebody respectable as his running mate, you know, like John Kerry did?

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