716 Quotes by Ann Coulter

  • Author Ann Coulter
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    Do not allow Democrats anywhere near foreign policy. Not even to keep them away from domestic policy. It’s a mistake to ask those who don’t even like democracy to defend it.

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  • Author Ann Coulter
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    At least when right-wingers rant there’s a point.

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  • Author Ann Coulter
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    The surge of ninety thousand poor Central Americans across the border in 2014 proved that. Obama pretended his hands were tied. It’s the law! It wasn’t the law. So either Obama is stupid or he was deliberately lying, and the smart money is on “deliberately lying.

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  • Author Ann Coulter
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    Although we’ve been authoritatively informed that a majority of Americans support a “pathway to citizenship,” approximately five hundred times in the last two years alone, according to a quick Nexis search,18 that is a lie. This is part of the media’s campaign to convince Americans they’re nuts for preferring not to turn America into Mexico. Polls are irrelevant if you lie to the people being polled.

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  • Author Ann Coulter
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    I’m getting a little fed up with hearing about, oh, civilian casualties. I think we ought to nuke North Korea right now just to give the rest of the world a warning.

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  • Author Ann Coulter
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    NBC’s The West Wing is an icon for bad stories; Gitmo is a place where we keep an eye on evil, dangerous people who want to kill us.

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  • Author Ann Coulter
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    I’m sure there are people who consider themselves Democrats, maybe even liberals, who are good Christians, but if so I do not think they understand the tenants of those two organizations.

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  • Author Ann Coulter
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    Somebody’s noticing the immigrant crime wave: Google illegal alien crime and you’ll get more than 2 million hits. Google immigrant crime and you’ll get 40 million. Only our government and media refuse to notice. Then they turn around and denounce anyone else’s estimate, saying: You don’t know that. So tell us! We “don’t know that” only because the people in a position to know have decided to keep it secret.

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  • Author Ann Coulter
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    Liberals pretend to believe that when two random hoodlums kill a gay man in Oklahoma, it’s evidence of a national trend, but when a million people buy a book, it proves absolutely nothing about the book-buying public.

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