716 Quotes by Ann Coulter

  • Author Ann Coulter
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    I'd like to move Israel to the northern border of Mexico and see what happens then.

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  • Author Ann Coulter
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    The Republicans are whistling past the graveyard. If we don't change our policies on immigration, you're going to be looking at Iran Deal after Iran Deal after Iran Deal. I can count on Americans to protect Israel. I don't count on foreigners to care about Israel, and that's who's coming in to vote.

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  • Author Ann Coulter
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    I never thought that Trump was going to run for president, but I was very firmly on record, including in the book that I wrote before, 'Adios, America,' as saying that Republicans should stop wasting their time with these novelty candidates.

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  • Author Ann Coulter
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    The Democrats want to bring in the Third World because these are, by and large, people who have no experience with Constitutional democracy.

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  • Author Ann Coulter
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    The best way we serve the people we admire is to tell them the truth.

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  • Author Ann Coulter
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    The government is keeping detailed records on how many Americans have carports. How many Americans have mold in their bathroom.

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  • Author Ann Coulter
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    I'm happy every day. You know, that moment when you first wake up in the morning, and you're just finishing your dream, like you're a dog chasing a post truck - and then you realize, 'Oh no, I'm a human, and I'm awake, and it's Trump's America!

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