93 Quotes by Anne Fadiman
- Author Anne Fadiman
I always wanted to be a writer, and I did want to be a novelist. In college I took a couple of classes that taught me I would never be a novelist. I discovered I had no imagination. My short stories were always thinly veiled memoir.
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- Author Anne Fadiman
I would like to attribute my range of interests to being an independent intellectual, but although I'm independent, I'm not sure I qualify as an intellectual. Basically, I'm an old-fashioned amateur.
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- Author Anne Fadiman
If the soul cannot find its jacket. it is condemned to an eternity of wandering--naked and alone
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- Author Anne Fadiman
To use an electronics analogy, closing a book on a bookmark is like pressing the Stop button, whereas when you leave the book facedown, you've only pressed Pause.
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- Author Anne Fadiman
When the Irish novelist John McGahern was a child, his sisters unlaced and removed one of his shoes while he was reading. He did not stir. They placed a straw hat on his head. No response. Only when they took away the wooden chair on which he was sitting did he, as he puts it, 'wake out of the book'.
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- Author Anne Fadiman
You can miss a lot by sticking to the point.
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- Author Anne Fadiman
When I write after dark", observed Cyril Connolly, "the shades of evening scatter their purple through my prose
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- Author Anne Fadiman
For me, literature is a way of enlarging myself by learning about people who are not like me.
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- Author Anne Fadiman
It is a grave error to assume that ice cream consumption requires hot weather.
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