627 Quotes by Anne Sexton
- Author Anne Sexton
And there you are. And I liked you a lot today. A lot. And I want to talk to you. Selfishly.
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- Author Anne Sexton
I have a room of my own. Rain drops onto it. Rain drops down like worms From the trees onto my frontal bone. Haunted, always haunted by rain, the room affirms The words that I will make alone.— Mother And Jack and The Rain.
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- Author Anne Sexton
Yesterday I did not want to be borrowed but this is the typewriter that sits before me and love is where yesterday is at.
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- Author Anne Sexton
I am a collection of dismantled almosts.
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- Author Anne Sexton
…and she wore gowns as lovely as kisses…
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- Author Anne Sexton
Loving me with my shoes off means loving my long brown legs, sweet dears, as good as spoons; and my feet, those two children let out to play naked.
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- Author Anne Sexton
Let there be seasons so that our tongues will be rich in asparagus and limes.
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- Author Anne Sexton
[I] have fantasies of killing myself and thus being the powerful one not the powerless one.
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- Author Anne Sexton
Oh sharp diamond, my mother! I could not count the cost of all your faces, your moods that present that I lost. Sweet girl, my deathbed, my jewel-fingered lady....
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