299 Quotes by Anne Tyler

"My family can always tell when I'm well into a novel because the meals get very crummy."


"وبعدئذ حينما كنتم ايها الاطفال صغارا، كنت انا مركز عوالمكم! كنت كل شىء بالنسبة لكم! كنت تجدنى فى كل اموركم وتفاصيلكم الصغيرة، و "اين امى؟ الى اين ذهبت؟" وفى اللحظة التى تعودون فيها من المدرسة، "امى؟ هل عدت الى البيت؟" ليس هذا عدلا ، يا كودى. ليس هذا عدلا فى الواقع، الان انا عجوز وامشى دون ان يلاحظنى احد. يبدو لى لى هذا ظلما يا كودى. لكن لا تخبر الاخرين اننى قلت هذا".صفحة 216"


"انت تصدقنى، أليس كذلك؟ فأنا لست عمياء. اعرف متى اكون غير معقولة. احيانا اقف خارج نفسى وأراقب كل شىء، منفصلة تماما. اقول لنفسى "توقفى الان" ، لكن الامر يبدو كما لو كنت... اتيه عجبا بنفسى، على ان اهاجم، ان اواصل. افكر، "اجل، اجل،سأتوقف، فقط لأقل شيئا واحدا اخر، مجرد هذا الشىء الواحد الاخر..."صفحة 214"


"Ah, God, it's barbaric, however you look at it,' he told Ruth.'What, cremation?' she asked.'Death."


"The trouble with discarding bad memories was that evidently the good ones went with them"


"Alex Barrow’s broad face, with the roughened skin that gave him an air of experience. His powerful, packed, wrestler’s body. The thick black fur at the base of his throat. It was wrong to call him handsome, although all the women did. Really he was almost ugly, but in a stirring, thrilling way that made her shift in her seat as she thought about him."


"The very thing that attracts you to someone can end up putting you off."


"About your son, she seemed to be saying: Just put your hand here. I'm scared, too. We're all scared. You're not the only one." (pg. 201)"


"Justine's childhood was dark and velvety and it smelled of dust."


"I'm falling into disrepair"
