299 Quotes by Anne Tyler

"The trouble with dying...is that you don't get to see how everything turns out. You won't know the ending."


"She collected and polished resentments as if it were some kind of hobby."


"Face it,' I said. 'There is no true life. Your true life is the one you end up with, whatever it may be. You just do the best you can with what you've got,' I said."


"... didn't paintings lie also? They showed hours instead of minutes."


"What did Ethan care? _He_ had no trouble navigating. This was because he’d lived all his life in one house, was Macon’s theory; while a person who’d been moved around a great deal never acquired a fixed point of reference but wandered forever in a fog — adrift upon the planet, helpless, praying that just by luck he might stumble across his destination."


"For me, writing was the only way out."


"Not invade her privacy! Just sit back and give up on her, as if she were a missing pet or mitten, or dropped penny."


"It was ridiculous of her to feel so wounded."


"I read so I live more than one life in more than one place."


"كان بإمكانه ان يسمع صديقة قديمة من الايام الخوالى، وصوتهابنبرته الرتيبة المستاءة، "تطلب منى ان اذهب معك الى السينما واقول اجل، ثم تغير رأيك وتطلب منى ان نلعب البولنج بدلا من ذلك واقول نعم، لكنك تقول، انتظرى لنؤجلها الى ليلة اخرى، كما لو كان كل شىء يمكنك ان تناله هو شىء لا يتضح انك لا تريده".ص 253"
