98 Quotes by Annie Lowrey
- Author Annie Lowrey
Talking with economists, climate scientists, and psychologists convinced me that depersonalizing climate change, such that the only answers are systemic, is a mistake of its own. It misses how social change is built on a foundation of individual practice.
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- Author Annie Lowrey
In some ways, modern life has made us unkind. That unkindness has profound personal effects. And if we can build a kinder society, that would make life better for everyone.
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- Author Annie Lowrey
Recycling, cutting back on driving, and changing out old light bulbs for energy-efficient ones might save half a ton of carbon a year. A household going car-free, flight-free, and vegan - changes impractical, if not outright impossible, for many families to make - might reduce emissions by four tons a year.
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- Author Annie Lowrey
Cell-based meat, or 'clean' meat - real meat produced in labs - has not become a commercial product yet. But analysts expect it to hit the shelves in 2021 or soon thereafter, and start-ups in this space, such as Memphis Meats, have raised tens of millions of dollars.
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- Author Annie Lowrey
Wolves are afraid of humans, whereas dogs are not. Wolves hunt game, whereas dogs scavenge human leftovers or eat what their human companions put out for dinner. Wolves are not great at following human commands, whereas dogs are brilliant at it.
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- Author Annie Lowrey
The U.S. has fewer, stingier, more complicated, and more conditional safety nets available to people than many other advanced economies - less generous 'automatic stabilizers,' in economic parlance.
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- Author Annie Lowrey
Climate change is killing Americans. Wildfires, heat waves, mudslides, hurricanes, and floods lead to hundreds if not thousands of deaths every year. But those are only the direct fatalities.
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- Author Annie Lowrey
At a personal level, there's ample evidence that being aware of your emotions and generous to yourself improves your physical and mental health, as well as your relationships with others.
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- Author Annie Lowrey
The Trump administration, to its credit, has initiatives on housing. It has initiatives on child care. It does not have true initiatives in terms of making health care more affordable and covering the remaining millions of Americans who do not have insurance coverage.
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