98 Quotes by Annie Lowrey
- Author Annie Lowrey
Depriving immigrant families of health care, healthy food, insurance, and antipoverty supports does not just hurt them. In the long term, it hurts everyone.
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- Author Annie Lowrey
The risk that people pose to wolfdogs is far greater, statistically, than the risk that wolfdogs pose to people. Many are bred in miserable, inhumane conditions, and kept in equally miserable, inhumane conditions.
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- Author Annie Lowrey
The gig economy isn't taking over, but it has become a useful emblem of what it is like to work for a living in late-stage capitalism.
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- Author Annie Lowrey
The workforce is getting Uberized. The gig economy is taking over the world. Independent-contractor jobs are the new normal.
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- Author Annie Lowrey
In the longer term, immigrants contribute more to the government's coffers than they receive in social spending. Moreover, these programs are not just welfare or a handout, but also an investment, helping ensure that families are healthy, educated, and able to work and support themselves over the course of generations.
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- Author Annie Lowrey
Maybe kindness is not a distraction from or orthogonal to change. Maybe it is a pathway to it.
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- Author Annie Lowrey
In general, more affordable housing correlates with lower income inequality.
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- Author Annie Lowrey
Where Democrats have a real toehold to criticize Republicans is that families still feel very financially fragile. About 2 in 5 adults would struggle to come up with $400 in an emergency.
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- Author Annie Lowrey
Americans have become more atomized by education, income, and political leanings. That polarization has meant sharply increased antipathy toward people with different beliefs.
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