18 Quotes by António Lobo Antunes

  • Author António Lobo Antunes
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    Uma coisa é o amor, outra é a relação. Não sei se, quando duas pessoas estão na cama, não estarão, de facto, quatro: as duas que estão mais as duas que um e outro imaginam.

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  • Author António Lobo Antunes
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    comerei beijos como quem come sopa, e palitarei as gengivas no fim para extrair dos molares restos incómodos de ternura

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  • Author António Lobo Antunes
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    Lembro-me de outro, um rapaz novo em estado terminal : se nos aproximávamos tirava um pente do bolso do pijama e compunha o cabelo.(…)Se lhe dissesse isto não acreditava: desde quando um camponês é melhor que um doutor? Tínhamos a mesma idade, mais coisa menos coisa. A diferença é que você era um homem e eu um palerma de bata. Não tenho bata há muito.

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  • Author António Lobo Antunes
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    escrever é um bocado fazer respiração boca-a-boca ao dicionário de Moraes, à gramática da 4ª classe e aos restantes jazigos de palavras defuntas

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  • Author António Lobo Antunes
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    I suppose I have become a sort of living monument in Portugal. But I come from a family with roots all over the world, so the idea of patriotism is not very strong in me. My country is the country of Chekhov, Beethoven, Velasquez - writers I like, painters and artists I admire.

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  • Author António Lobo Antunes
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    It's funny - my wife is more jealous of my books than of other women because I'm always working and thinking about my books.

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  • Author António Lobo Antunes
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    I was very interested in the relationship between the man who speaks and the woman who listens. I was drawn to the idea that the relationship between a man and a woman can be something like a war itself, very cruel and violent.

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  • Author António Lobo Antunes
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    Physically it's kind of lassitude, the apathy and tiredness that precedes the flu or some other illness, or death. My legs ache and feel heavy, my skin has become more sensitive to cold and to heat, to the hardness or rigidity of things. Nothing interests me, I feel uncomfortable being still but would feel even more uncomfortable if I moved. I don't know whether speaking is painful or just boring. I sit here, staring straight ahead, with no desires, no needs, hollow. I'm not even sad. I feel only passivity and indifference.

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