122 Quotes by Anthony Fauci

  • Author Anthony Fauci
  • Quote

    There's always the danger when you have influenzas that infect chickens, that when you have the close quarters of chickens spreading from one to another and occasionally a human coming into close contact, that there will be the jumping of species from a chicken to a human. This is not something new.

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  • Author Anthony Fauci
  • Quote

    When you're dealing with a very sick person and you're doing something to them, an intervention, be it a procedure or a medication, safety is critical.

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  • Author Anthony Fauci
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    What we learned from the mail-service anthrax attack of 2001 is that you really have to look at the vulnerable people along the chain of exposure.

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  • Author Anthony Fauci
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    Many vaccines in use today resulted from both government-sponsored and private research.

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  • Author Anthony Fauci
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    Simply put, to end the AIDS epidemic in the United States, we need to mobilize efforts in all our communities to combat HIV/AIDS and to coordinate these initiatives with research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, national organizations and local community and church groups.

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  • Author Anthony Fauci
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    If we could identify what that factor is -- and there's no guarantee we will, but if we can -- then one could direct your vaccine to elicit a response of that particular factor that is protecting them.

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  • Author Anthony Fauci
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    Historically, a live vaccine induces more potent, lasting and broader immune responses than a killed vaccine. The body is seeing the microbe in a way that is much more analogous to a real infection.

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  • Author Anthony Fauci
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    (HIV) is a retrovirus, and one that has the capability of inserting itself into a gene -- into the genes of our own cell and hiding there essentially indefinitely, so it shields itself from the surveillance of the body's immune system,

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  • Author Anthony Fauci
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    The immune systems goal is to protect the body against invaders either from without, such as microbes, or from within, such as cancers and different types of neoplastic transformation.

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