87 Quotes by Anthony Marais

  • Author Anthony Marais
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    Those who take thinking seriously have a serious problem – ignorance and arrogance commingle.

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  • Author Anthony Marais
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    Humanity is as horrified and repulsed by real nature as it is by real death. Thus, we strike back against this formidable opponent with our sharpest weapon: our imagination. From this noble tool – born of necessity and elevated to beauty – culture was born, and the war against nature begun.

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  • Author Anthony Marais
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    Reflection is nothing more than what it sounds, and pondering one’s own life is about as productive as talking to one’s image in a mirror: both acts are egocentric and neither produces a dialog. People who talk to themselves in public are not self-actualized; they’re crazy.

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  • Author Anthony Marais
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    Those who jump out of airplanes do not love life – they deny it, which, of course, is not done without a certain naughty exhilaration. Like children they relish tugging on the apron of Mother Nature, as long as she doesn’t turn and slap them.

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  • Author Anthony Marais
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    Skin color or the shape of one’s nose cannot be the criteria upon which individuals are judged. Black is not beautiful; it’s racist. Being African-American, conscious of your culture, fascinated by your history, this is beautiful – and really has nothing to do with putting a color chart next to your face.

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