38 Quotes by Anthony Romero

  • Author Anthony Romero
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    We regret that we have to bring this lawsuit to force our government to live up to American values.

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  • Author Anthony Romero
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    President Bush's disregard and disrespect for the Constitution are evident, but in America, we are all bound by the rule of law. The president took an oath to 'preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States.' He cannot use a claim of seeking to preserve our nation to undermine the rules that serve as our foundation. The Attorney General, who may have been involved with the formulation of this policy, must appoint an outside special counsel to let justice be served.

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  • Author Anthony Romero
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    President Bush may believe he can authorize spying on Americans without judicial or congressional approval, but this program is illegal and we intend to put a stop to it.

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  • Author Anthony Romero
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    President Bush and his surrogates can justify this program all they want, but they cannot change the underlying fact that it remains an illegal program. The continued approval for this unlawful program undermines the very freedoms and values that define America.

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  • Author Anthony Romero
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    Our nation is strengthened, not weakened, by those whistle-blowers who are courageous enough to speak out on violations of the law.

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  • Author Anthony Romero
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    The American military indefinitely detains individuals -- and tortures some of them -- and the Senate votes to strip them of their rights,

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  • Author Anthony Romero
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    We know that the FBI has a difficult and necessary mandate to protect Americans from the next terrorist attack, ... We are here to deliver a short but powerful message -- to keep America safe and free.

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  • Author Anthony Romero
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    We understand that the publication of the anti-Muslim cartoons presents vexing issues for a democracy, but we also believe that that is the price of an open society. Democracy means a great many things to a great many people. But it must never be a quiet business.

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  • Author Anthony Romero
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    While no one wants to see what's on the photos or videos, they will play an essential role in holding our government leaders accountable for the torture that's happened on their watch.

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