727 Quotes by Anton Chekhov
- Author Anton Chekhov
Any idiot can face a crisis, it's day to day living that wears you out.
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- Author Anton Chekhov
When one has no real life, one lives by mirages. It's still better than nothing.
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- Author Anton Chekhov
Country life has its advantages, he used to say. You sit on the veranda drinking tea and your ducklings swim on the pond, and everything smells good and there are gooseberries.
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- Author Anton Chekhov
MEDVEDENKO: Why do you wear black all the time?MASHA: I’m in mourning for my life, I'm unhappy.
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- Author Anton Chekhov
After a cigar or a glass of vodka you are no longer Peter Sorin, but Peter Sorin plus somebody else. Your ego breaks in two: you begin to think of yourself in the third person.
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- Author Anton Chekhov
They say that in the end truth will triumph, but it's a lie.
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- Author Anton Chekhov
I do not know why one should not hunt two hares even in the literal sense.
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