250 Quotes by Arthur Golden
- Author Arthur Golden
But really, would Yoroido seem any less exotic if I went back there again? As a young girl I believed my life would never have been a struggle if Mr. Tanaka hadn't torn me away from my tipsy house. But now I know that our world is no more permanent than a wave rising on the ocean. Whatever our struggles and triumphs, however we may suffer them, all too soon they bleed into a wash, just like watery ink on paper.
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- Author Arthur Golden
Quali siano stati i nostri conflitti e i nostri trionfi, per quanto indelebile sia il segno che questi abbiano potuto lasciare su di noi, finiscono sempre per stemperarsi come una tinta ad acquerello su un foglio di carta.
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- Author Arthur Golden
We don't become geisha because we want our lives to be happy; we become geisha because we have no choice.
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- Author Arthur Golden
I wasn’t thanking him for the coin, or even for the trouble he’d taken in stopping to help me. I was thanking him for... well,for something I’m not sure I can explain even now. For showing me that something besides cruelty could be found in the world, I suppose.
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- Author Arthur Golden
La belleza me sorprendió como una especie de dolorosa melancolía.
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- Author Arthur Golden
Happily I didn't see her after she'd died, except for her legs, which were visible from the doorway and looked like slender tree limbs wrapped in wrinkled silk.
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- Author Arthur Golden
El aire ya no olía a cerrado. El pasado había desaparecido.
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- Author Arthur Golden
Kesedihan adalah hal yang ganjil sekali; kita jadi tak berdaya di hadapannya. Seperti jendela yang membuka atas kemauannya sendiri. Ruangan menjadi dingin, dan kita tak bisa berbuat apa pun kecuali gemetar kedinginan. Namun setiap kali terbuka kembali, lebarnya sedikit berkurang, makin lama makin sempit; dan pada suatu hari kita bertanya-tanya sendiri, apa yang terjadi dengan jendela itu.
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- Author Arthur Golden
I didn't say to act dead. I said act helpless.
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