107 Quotes by Aysha Taryam
- Author Aysha Taryam
So, a mistake is made, a word is spoken out of turn, a cultural norm is broken, and all is fair in the pursuit of cancelling this person, erasing them off the face of the earth, banishing them to a world of shame and regret.
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- Author Aysha Taryam
Humanity is fallible and every single one of us is capable of sin but if it were not for the hopes of one day being redeemed none of us will seek to understand our flaws and make the effort to rectify the damage our actions have made.
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- Author Aysha Taryam
The journey into a colour-blind heart is a long one but it is one we must endure so as not to allow injustice to continue through our children and into the future.
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- Author Aysha Taryam
Too much of a good thing is toxic
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- Author Aysha Taryam
The first few days felt quite surreal for gone was that filtered world of perfect angles made up of peoples’ best moments and selves. Gone was the wormhole that one jumped into at the sign of any awkward silence or pause in conversation.
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- Author Aysha Taryam
Contagion is hate’s greatest attribute and its most treacherous, anyone is susceptible.
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- Author Aysha Taryam
Those who use prejudice and hate as a foundation to make their cases have no merit. It is only when these feelings are set aside that we can think clearly and productively.
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- Author Aysha Taryam
Psychological research has shown that prejudice adversely affects both the targets and perpetrators. Does it make sense then to enter a losing battle, one which you come out of in the end a battered and bruised loser?
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- Author Aysha Taryam
The lesson we are indebted to Egypt for, our future generations learned that in the face of oppression silence is never golden.
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