107 Quotes by Aysha Taryam
- Author Aysha Taryam
The world believes it was built by love but reading Shah Jahan’s own words on the Taj, one could say it was grief that built the Taj Mahal and it was sorrow that saw it through sixteen years till completion.
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- Author Aysha Taryam
In the face of mass atrocities, we stand in mass indifference rationalized by logic that sees us through the day.
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- Author Aysha Taryam
Today, while the cyber world rages with ideologies and passionate moral perspectives, the streets remain comatose, echoing nothing but silence.
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- Author Aysha Taryam
What is worse than indifference is when people’s nationalism allows for the conscious rationalisation of brutality as part of a political balance sheet. It is but a grave oversight when people shift their responsibility towards moral values for the duty to obey.
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- Author Aysha Taryam
Complacency has taken the place of outrage and demands for justice have been substituted for trending hashtags and unified profile pictures.
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- Author Aysha Taryam
Faith is intrinsic to humanity and the freedom to practice one's religion is a right no power can deny
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- Author Aysha Taryam
The Arab poet Silm Al Khaser wrote “He who watches people dies of worry” and his words have never been more potent than in today’s world where all people do is watch others and cater to them in return.
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- Author Aysha Taryam
It is fear that reinforces the walls we build, people are afraid to be swayed from their convictions, afraid to question their moral instincts and expose themselves to ideas that may challenge the fabric of their entire existence, but what are we if we are not seeking to better ourselves?
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- Author Aysha Taryam
We have reached the age of denial, we have become happiness seekers, afraid to feel. We are told to think positive, to seek only joy. Stores overflow with books selling you ways to rid yourself of ‘negative’ feelings.
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