196 Quotes by Banksy

"It doesn't take much to be a successful artist-all you need to do is dedicate your entire life to it."


"Writing graffiti is about the most honest way you can be an artist. It takes no money to do it, you don't need an education to understand it, and there's no admission fee."


"When you go to an art gallery you are simply a tourist looking at the trophy cabinet of a few millionaires."


"The art world is the biggest joke going. It's a rest home for the overprivileged, the pretentious, and the weak. And modern art is a disgrace - never have so many people used so much stuff and taken so long to say so little."


"Not everyone will understand your journey. That's okay. You're here to live your life, not to make everyone understand."


"I wanted to highlight the destruction in Gaza by posting photos on my website - but on the internet people only look at pictures of kittens"


"Traditional graffiti writers have a bunch of rules they like to stick to, and good luck to them, but I didn't become a graffiti artist so I could have somebody else tell me what to do. If you're the type who gets sentimental about people scribbling over your stuff, I suggest graffiti is probably not the right hobby for you."


"All I know about what people think of my gear is what a couple of my friends tell me, and one of them always wants to borrow money, so I'm not sure how reliable he is."


"I don't know if street art ever really works indoors. If you domesticate an animal, it goes from being wild and free to sterile, fat and sleepy. So maybe the art should stay outside."


"I tell myself I use art to promote dissent, but maybe I am just using dissent to promote my art. I plead not guilty to selling out. But I plead it from a bigger house than I used to live in."
