132 Quotes by Barry Lyga

  • Author Barry Lyga
  • Quote

    At the end of the day, it’s a series of individual challenges played out against a team defense. It’s a psersonal test every time I step into the batter’s box: Can I do better than the last time? And that’s why I love it.

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  • Author Barry Lyga
  • Quote

    Any man worth having will wait for his woman to be ready. How can I not return the favor?

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  • Author Barry Lyga
  • Quote

    You and your scars. Please! You don’t kill youself like this!” I gesture, holding a wrist turned up to the ceiling, then pretending to cut across it with my other hand. “That’s just a cry for help. That’s just attention. Everbody knows that. Cutting across just gets you to the hospital. That’s just from movies and TV shows and stuff like that. You didn’t really try to kill yourself. you just wanted attention, but you screwed up. Try harder next time.

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  • Author Barry Lyga
  • Quote

    I taught you everything you know, but not everything I know.

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  • Author Barry Lyga
  • Quote

    Look, my dad has a saying – we’ll burn that bridge when get to it. OK? You get it? Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow.

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  • Author Barry Lyga
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    Howie swore translated to “I am strong and mighty in the wind,” but which Jazz feared actually translated to “Another dumbass white kid with Asian tats. LOL.

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  • Author Barry Lyga
  • Quote

    Jazz hadn’t given her many details of exactly what life in the Dent house had been like, but he’d told her enough that she knew it wasn’t hearts and flowers. Well, except for the occasional heart cut from a chest. And the kind of flowers you send to funerals.

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  • Author Barry Lyga
  • Quote

    Parents get all focused on themselves, and they see their little babies start walkin’ and talkin’, and since they kinda look like them and sound like the, they start thinking of those little babies as themselves... And then something funny happens. Those babies grow up to be kids and teenages and grown-ups in their own right... so everything the kids do, everything, is a betrayal.

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