373 Quotes by Ben Bernanke
- Author Ben Bernanke
Low and stable inflation in many countries is an important accomplishment that will continue to bring significant benefits.
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- Author Ben Bernanke
Of course, economic forecasts must be revised when new information arrives and are thus necessarily provisional.
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- Author Ben Bernanke
The children of the unemployed achieve less in school and appear to have reduced long-term earnings prospects.
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- Author Ben Bernanke
To be sure, faster growth in nominal labor compensation does not necessarily portend higher inflation.
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- Author Ben Bernanke
In a mature economy like India's, which is becoming modern and a financially-oriented economy, an independent central bank, responsible central bank, is really central to success.
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- Author Ben Bernanke
Evolutionary psychologists suggest that humans experienced evolutionary benefits from brain developments that included aversion to loss and risk and from instincts for cooperation that helped strengthen communities.
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- Author Ben Bernanke
History proves... that a smart central bank can protect the economy and the financial sector from the nastier side effects of a stock market collapse.
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- Author Ben Bernanke
Home purchases that are very highly leveraged or unaffordable subject the borrower and lender to a great deal of risk. Moreover, even in a strong economy, unforeseen life events and risks in local real estate markets make highly leveraged borrowers vulnerable.
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- Author Ben Bernanke
I and others were mistaken early on in saying that the subprime crisis would be contained. The causal relationship between the housing problem and the broad financial system was very complex and difficult to predict.
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