431 Quotes by Ben Carson

  • Author Ben Carson
  • Quote

    Our founders were committed to a belief in the importance of life and liberty, and we must fight to see those rights extended to our children still in the womb.

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  • Author Ben Carson
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    If we apply logic to solving our problems and add the godly principles of loving our fellow man, caring about our neighbors, and developing our God-given talents to the utmost so we become valuable to those around us – allowing these values and principles to govern our lives – then not only will we remain a pinnacle nation, we will truly be “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

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  • Author Ben Carson
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    Freedom cannot last long without education, because an uneducated populace is likely to be duped by tyrants. An educated populace cannot be easily manipulated and is the foundation of a strong society.

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  • Author Ben Carson
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    Some people say you’re weak because, you know, you’re not loud and you’re not boisterous and you’re not rude. But the fact of the matter is, look and see what I’ve done. And that speaks volumes about strength.

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  • Author Ben Carson
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    Governmental programs are often faceless and unsustainable. Handouts create more dependency in the populace, decreasing overall societal productivity and depleting the resources of the agencies providing the handouts. The taxpayer base decreases, the dependent population increases, and taxpayer money runs out.

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  • Author Ben Carson
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    I think it’s a fallacy that only people in elected office can come up with solutions that solve our problems. I just think maybe there’s a different paradigm.

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  • Author Ben Carson
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    My experience has confirmed the wisdom of so much of what the Bible teaches.

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  • Author Ben Carson
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    We need to start thinking about the needs of the American people before we go and solve everybody else’s problems.

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  • Author Ben Carson
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    We are more than just flesh and bones. There’s a certain spiritual nature and something of the mind that we can’t measure. We can’t find it. With all our sophisticated equipment, we cannot monitor or define it, and yet it’s there.

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