696 Quotes by Benjamin Disraeli
- Author Benjamin Disraeli
I rather like bad wine; one gets so bored with good wine.
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- Author Benjamin Disraeli
The test of political institutions is the condition of the country whose future they regulate.
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- Author Benjamin Disraeli
Almost everything that is great has been done by youth.
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- Author Benjamin Disraeli
I feel a very unusual sensation - if it's not indigestion, I think it must be gratitude
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- Author Benjamin Disraeli
Extreme views are never just; something always turns up which disturbs the calculations formed upon their data.
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- Author Benjamin Disraeli
Taste, when once obtained, may be said to be no acquiring faculty, and must remain stationary; but knowledge is of perpetual growth and has infinite demands. Taste, like an artificial canal, winds through a beautiful country, but its borders are confined and its term is limited. Knowledge navigates the ocean, and is perpetually on voyages of discovery.
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- Author Benjamin Disraeli
How fair is a garden amid the toils and passions of existence.
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- Author Benjamin Disraeli
What is earnest is not always true; on the contrary, error is often more earnest than truth.
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- Author Benjamin Disraeli
It is the fashion to style the present moment an extraordinary crisis.
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