2,150 Quotes by Benjamin Franklin
- Author Benjamin Franklin
The game of Chess is not merely an idle amusement; several very valuable qualities of the mind are to be acquired and strengthened by it, so as to become habits ready on all occasions, for life is a kind of chess.
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- Author Benjamin Franklin
He that buys by the penny, maintains not only himself, but other people
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- Author Benjamin Franklin
...Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion...
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- Author Benjamin Franklin
In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.
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- Author Benjamin Franklin
Why does the blind man's wife paint herself.
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- Author Benjamin Franklin
god grant that not only the love of liberty but a thorough knowledge of the rights of man may pervade all the nations of the earth, so that anybody may set his foot anywhere on its surface and say: 'This is my country!
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- Author Benjamin Franklin
Evils come not, then our fears are vain; And if they do fear but augments the pain.
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- Author Benjamin Franklin
We may give advice, but we cannot give conduct.
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- Author Benjamin Franklin
Dewey felt that since ideals are not perfectly attainable, they may demoralize students who try to measure up to them. The general tendency of reading good history must be to fix in the minds of youth deep impressions of the beauty and usefulness of virtue of all kinds, public spirit, fortitude, etc.
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