367 Quotes by Bernard Cornwell

  • Author Bernard Cornwell
  • Quote

    I forget your name," I said."Most people spew shit from their arse," he retorted, "you manage it with your mouth.""Your mother gave birth through her arse," I said, "and you still reek of her shit.

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  • Author Bernard Cornwell
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    Do you ever read the scriptures?""Every day," I said enthusiastically, "not a moment passes that I don't have a quick read of Ieremias or dip into Ezekiel."She smiled, amused. "What a barbarian you are!

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  • Author Bernard Cornwell
  • Quote

    — Mas o que é que você faria com o Graal?— Eu iria usá-lo.— Para quê?— Para livrar o mundo do pecado.— Seria um trabalho notável, mas nem Cristo conseguiu realizá-lo.— Você pára de eliminar ervas daninhas entre os vinhedos só porque elas sempre voltam a nascer?

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  • Author Bernard Cornwell
  • Quote

    Acho que o Santo Graal é um sonho que os homens têm, um sonho de que é possível tornar o mundo perfeito. Se ele existisse, todos nós teríamos sabido que o sonho não pode se transformar em realidade.

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  • Author Bernard Cornwell
  • Quote

    If you roll the dice often enough you always get the numbers you want. If I tell you the sun will shine tomorrow and that it will rain and there will be snow and that clouds will cover the sky and that wind will blow and that it will be a calm day and that thunder will deafen us, then one of those things will turn out to be true and you'll forget the rest because you want to believe that I really can tell the future.

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  • Author Bernard Cornwell
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    Los dioses no velan por nosotros, no más desde luego de lo que los niños cuidan de sus juguetes. Si estamos aquí, es sólo para procurarles buenos ratos; a veces, hasta se complacen en jugarnos jugarretas.

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  • Author Bernard Cornwell
  • Quote

    Gods fight, Ragnar went on earnestly, and some win, some lose. The Christian god is losing. Otherwise why would we be here? Why would we be winning? The gods reward us if we give them respect, but the Christian god doesn't help his people, does he? They weep rivers of tears for him, they pray to him, they give him their silver, & we come along & slaughter them! Their god is pathetic. If he had any real power then we wouldn't be here, would we?

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