189 Quotes by Bessel A. van der Kolk
- Author Bessel A. van der Kolk
After trauma the world is experienced with a different nervous system. The survivor’s energy now becomes focused on suppressing inner chaos, at the expense of spontaneous involvement in their lives. These attempts to maintain control over unbearable physiological reactions can result in a whole range of physical symptoms, including fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and other autoimmune diseases. This explains why it is critical for trauma treatment to engage the entire organism, body, mind, and brain.
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- Author Bessel A. van der Kolk
Crucial for understanding trauma, the frontal lobes are also the seat of empathy – our ability to “feel into” someone else.
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- Author Bessel A. van der Kolk
Trauma devastates the social-engagement system and interferes with cooperation, nurturing, and the ability to function as a productive member of the clan. In this book we have seen how many mental health problems, from drug addiction to self-injurious behavior, start off as attempts to cope with emotions that became unbearable because of a lack of adequate human contact and support.
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- Author Bessel A. van der Kolk
Agency starts with what scientists call interoception, our awareness of our subtle sensory, body-based feelings: the greater that awareness, the greater our potential to control our lives.
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- Author Bessel A. van der Kolk
If the people whom you naturally turn to for care and protection terrify or reject you, you learn to shut down and to ignore what you feel.22.
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- Author Bessel A. van der Kolk
Touch makes it possible to live in a body that can move in response to being moved.
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- Author Bessel A. van der Kolk
Because humans are meaning-making creatures, we have a tendency to create some sort of image or story.
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- Author Bessel A. van der Kolk
As we will see, finding words to describe what has happened to you can be transformative, but it does not always abolish flashbacks or improve concentration, stimulate vital involvement in your life or reduce hypersensitivity to disappointments and perceived injuries.
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- Author Bessel A. van der Kolk
Our relationship maps are implicit, etched into the emotional brain and not reversible simply by understanding how they were created. You may realize that your fear of intimacy has something to do with your mother’s postpartum depression or with the fact that she herself was molested as a child, but that alone is unlikely to open you to happy, trusting engagement with others.
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