60 Quotes by Bhagwan Rajneesh

  • Author Bhagwan Rajneesh
  • Quote

    When you are working in your office, I am not telling you to be a no-mind. When you are working in your shop or in the factory, I am not saying to be a no-mind. I am saying be perfectly a mind. Use the mind but don't carry it continuously, twenty-four hours, day in and day out, with yourself. Don't go on dragging it. Use it as you use a chair. You don't go on carrying your chair everywhere, wherever you go, just because you may need it.

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  • Author Bhagwan Rajneesh
  • Quote

    Up to now, nobody has said, that there is anything beyond enlightenment. That's why I say, I am a milestone.

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  • Author Bhagwan Rajneesh
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    Doubt helps your intelligence, sharpens it. Questioning makes you aware of many possibilities of which you may not have been aware before.

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  • Author Bhagwan Rajneesh
  • Quote

    The root problem of all problems is mind itself. The first thing to be understood is what this mind is, of what stuff it is made; whether it is an entity or just a process; whether it is substantial, or just dreamlike. And unless you know the nature of the mind, you will not be able to solve any problems of your life.

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  • Author Bhagwan Rajneesh
  • Quote

    So when I say it I mean it, and it is not a hypothesis. I have experienced It that way. The mind can be used and can be put aside. It is an instrument, a very beautiful instrument; no need to be so obsessed with it. No need to be so fixed, fixated with it. Then it becomes a disease.

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