82 Quotes by Bill Konigsberg

"What do you call it when a straight person comes out? ... A conversation"


"I turned to Rafe and swam (and sunk) in his hazel eyes."


"I wanted to watch his mouth as I made him laugh. I wanted to see his face light up with the spark of whatever silly joke there was, and I wanted to kiss him too, and really more than that, which was not a straight thing, I know, but it was also true."


"...when you have a foot in tomorrow and a foot in yesterday, you're pissing all over the present."


"I could see the combinations and permutations flutter through their minds. This was Boulder. It could easily be two moms. Two dads. A dad, a mom, and an orangutan. Three Amish hipsters and a transgendered Aboriginal mermaid."


"Actually, tolerance and acceptance are different. To tolerate seems to mean that there is something negative to tolerate, doesn’t it?"


"There are so many different kinds of relationships out there, sweetie. The thing that makes one okay and another not is whether it comes from a place of love. Nothing that comes from love could ever be wrong."


"I shivered. Careful, I told myself. You don’t want to set yourself up for a fall. Be happy. Just not too happy."


"And perhaps the best answer is not to tolerate differences, not even to accept them. But to celebrate them. Maybe then those who are different would feel more loved, and less, well, tolerated."
