359 Quotes by Bob Woodward
- Author Bob Woodward
The system was designed to reduce the randomness of voter contact, to make sure the volunteers and field staff concentrated their efforts on those most likely to vote for Trump.
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- Author Bob Woodward
I would recommend you run as if you are running for governor in three states - Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. There were the first three caucus or primary states. "Run and sound local, like you want to be their governor." A lot of candidates make the huge mistake of trying to run in 27 states. "Run three governor's races, and you'll have a really good shot. Focus on three. Do well in three. And the others will come.
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- Author Bob Woodward
The first step was for field staff to get an absentee or early voting ballot to those them deemed pro-Trump because they scored a 90 or above on a call of 0 to 100 in the national database.
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- Author Bob Woodward
Mr. President, you've got to buy some democrats," Graham said. The good news is they come cheap.
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- Author Bob Woodward
For those of you who were critical that nobody paid enough attention to the generals at the beginning of the war, has it occurred to you that you don't want to make that mistake at the end of the war?Secretary Robert Gates
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- Author Bob Woodward
When Trump called Mexicans “rapists” in the speech announcing his candidacy on June 16, 2015, Priebus called him and said, “You can’t talk like that. We’ve been working really hard to win over Hispanics.
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- Author Bob Woodward
Conway agreed with Bannon that if the Trump campaign could make the race about Hillary, not Trump, they would win with those hidden Trump voters. If the race stayed about Trump, “we’ll probably lose.
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- Author Bob Woodward
For Mr. Trump, though, bringing in Mr. Bannon was the political equivalent of ordering comfort food.” Bannon tried to sit down with Trump and walk him through refinements of the strategy and how to focus on particular states. The candidate had no interest in talking about it.
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- Author Bob Woodward
The White House argument would be strong. Ziegler and St. Clair would pound away at the ghastly spectacle of a President on trial in a courtroom. There seemed to be some reasonableness to the position they would probably take. What would the President do if someone started a nuclear war - ask for a recess?
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