101 Quotes by Boots Riley

"I think I'm a little superstitious."


"That punk approach of 'We don't wanna get big' is really a bourgeois thing. It's not a tactic of people that actually have been successful at changing things."


"I was born in Chicago. I moved to Detroit until I was six and moved to Oakland at that point. And then we had a couple years in Stockton and Pasadena. And by the time I was 13, I was back in Oakland."


"I was actually really good at telemarketing."


"I was in an organization called Progressive Labor Party and International Committee Against Racism. And I was - I started out helping to organize a farm workers' union in Central California."


"Going to school in San Francisco, you're not going to meet as many people that are making films as you would if you went to film school in New York or L.A."


"I try to find creative ways to put ideas out to make the ground fertile for organizers."


"What I like about music is that you make a song, you've got your ideas in it, and people make that song part of their life - they hang out with their friends to it, they get in arguments to it, they get married to it, they get divorced to it. It's in their world, and it takes on its own life."


"I think it's important for us not just to edit the culture that capitalism creates but to create the material basis for a culture that we want."


"If we created a society based on love, it would be a society without exploitation."
