244 Quotes by Boris Pasternak
- Author Boris Pasternak
The main misfortune, the root of all the evil to come, was the loss of confidence in the value of one’s own opinion. People imagined that it was out of date to follow their own moral sense, that they must all sing in chorus, and live by other people’s notions, notions that were being crammed down everybody’s throat.
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- Author Boris Pasternak
Every herd is a refuge for giftlessness, whether it's a faith in Soloviev, or Kant, or Marx. Only the solitary seek the truth, and they break with all those who don't love it sufficiently.
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- Author Boris Pasternak
Trudging on foot, loaded with sacks, bundles, and babies, young mothers who had lost their milk, driven out of their minds by the horrors of the journey, abandoned their children, shook the corn out of their sacks onto the ground, and turned back. A quick death, they had decided, was preferable to a slow death by starvation. Better to fall into the clutches of the enemy than to be torn to pieces by some beast in the forest.
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- Author Boris Pasternak
Ecco che cos'era la vita, che cos'era l'esperienza, che cosa inseguivano coloro che andavano in cerca di avventure, ecco a che cosa mirava l'arte: ritornare a casa propria, ai propri affetti, riprendere la vita
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- Author Boris Pasternak
Само в глупавите книжлета живите са разделени на два лагера и нямат никакъв допир. А всъщност всичко така се преплита! Трябва да си ужасно нищожество, за да играеш в живота само една роля, да заемаш само едно място в обществото, да означаваш винаги едно и също!
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- Author Boris Pasternak
But sometimes, to enable her to bear her life, she needed the accompaniment of an inward music and she could not always compose it for herself.
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- Author Boris Pasternak
a desgraça de um gosto mediano é ainda pior do que a desgraça de não ter gosto nenhum
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- Author Boris Pasternak
She had once been the belle of her circle of small tradesmen and salesmen, but now her little pig eyes with their swollen lids could scarcely open.
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- Author Boris Pasternak
She was obsessed with the idea of breaking with everything she had ever known or experienced, and starting on something new.
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