244 Quotes by Boris Pasternak
- Author Boris Pasternak
O fim da arte é doar somente. (...) Apagar-se no anonimato,Ocultando nossa passagem Pela vida, como à paisagem Oculta a nuvem com recato.
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- Author Boris Pasternak
She was incomparable in her inspired loveliness. Her arms amazed one, as one can be astonished by a lofty way of thinking. Her shadow on the wallpaper of the hotel room seemed the silhouette of her uncorruption.
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- Author Boris Pasternak
Nadie hace la historia, la historia no se ve, como no se ve crecer la hierba .
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- Author Boris Pasternak
Ningú no fa la història; la història no es veu, com tampoc no es veu créixer l'herba"."Nadie hace la historia; la historia no se ve, como tampoco se ve crecer la hierba
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- Author Boris Pasternak
They loved each other greatly. Most people experience love, without noticing that there is anything remarkable about it. To them - and this made them unusual - the moments when passion visited their doomed human existence like a breath of timelessness were moments of revelation, of even greater understanding of life and of themselves.
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- Author Boris Pasternak
They loved each other because everything around them willed it, the trees, and the clouds, and the sky over their heads, and the earth under their feet. Perhaps their surrounding world, the strangers they met in the street, the landscapes drawn up for them to see on their walks, the rooms in which they lived and loved, were even more pleased with their love than they were themselves.
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- Author Boris Pasternak
Всичко наоколо туптеше, набъбваше и растеше от вълшебните дрожди на съществоването. Възхищението от живота се носеше като тих полъх, като широка вълна без посока, по земята и през града, през стените и оградите, през дървесината и плътта, и изпълваше с трепет всичко по пътя си...
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- Author Boris Pasternak
Life is not as easy as croosing a field
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- Author Boris Pasternak
O marxismo não possui autodomínio para ser considerado uma ciência. As ciências são mais ponderáveis. Marxismo e objetividade? Não conheço uma corrente mais isolada em si mesma e mais distante dos fatos do que o marxismo. Cada qual se preocupa em verificar suas ideias pela experiência, ao passo que as pessoas do poder, para criar histórias sobre sua infalibilidade, fazem de tudo para fugir da verdade. A política não me diz absolutamente nada. Não gosto de pessoas indiferentes à verdade.
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