71 Quotes by Brian D. McLaren

  • Author Brian D. McLaren
  • Quote

    The life-and-death question for each of our churches and denominations may boil down to this: are we a club for the elite who pretend to have arrived or a school for disciples who are still on the way?

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  • Author Brian D. McLaren
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    In Christ, God is supreme, but not in the old discredited paradigm of supremacy: God is the supreme healer, the supreme friend, the supreme lover, the supreme life-giver who self-empties in gracious love for all. The king of kings and lord of lords is the servant of all and the friend of sinners. The so-called weakness and foolishness of God are greater than the so-called power and wisdom of human regimes.

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  • Author Brian D. McLaren
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    But in the end you cannot serve two masters, Theos and Elohim, the god of the Greco-Roman philosophers and Caesars and the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the violent god of profit proclaimed by the empire and the compassionate God of justice proclaimed by the prophets. You can try to hybridize them and compromise them for centuries, but like oil and water they eventually separate and prove incompatible. They refuse to alloy. They produce irreconcilable narratives and create different worlds.

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  • Author Brian D. McLaren
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    What is the most significant conversation you have every day?” People would respond piously, “Your conversation with God, of course.” “No,” Lewis would reply. “It’s the conversation you have with yourself before you speak to God, because in that conversation with yourself, you decide whether you are going to be honest and authentic with God, or whether you are going to meet God with a false face, a mask, an act, a pretense.

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  • Author Brian D. McLaren
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    You know what, the thing that breaks my heart is that there’s no way I can answer it without hurting someone on either side.

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  • Author Brian D. McLaren
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    I had to face the possibility that the art of living in the way of Jesus was no longer carried on in a holistic way by any single tradition.

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  • Author Brian D. McLaren
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    Jesus called disciples so He could send them out as apostles. They were called together to learn so they could be sent out to teach and serve.

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  • Author Brian D. McLaren
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    Our choice, it seems, is whether we will let our past and present sufferings be sufficient to soften and break us, or whether we will resist and harden ourselves so even more suffering is required.

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  • Author Brian D. McLaren
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    Through its appropriation of “texts of terror” and especially through the application of those texts to the Jews, the Christian religion created the conditions for the oppression of Palestinians.

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