"I guess it was only fitting that to them PUNK was a four letter word. However, to people like Dylan and I-punk was our hearts-our souls. We grew up with a lot of uncertainties. To be a teenager isn’t always pretty, and our music reflected that."
"Society gets by from the help of its citizens."
"There are moments in our lives that define the people we will become in the future, like a symptom before an ailment, or the catalyst before the cure."
"I guess what’s most important is that we chose to live with our hearts open and to let our experiences show us the way towards our brightest days."
"Character isn’t something you talk about; it’s something you show through your actions-through your every day habits."
"The price of coming from a small town is that everyone knows your story. Your book has been read, shelved, dusted, and re-read by everybody."
"You know-portraits are odd things.” “How do you figure?” I asked. “Well at the time, that portrait told the whole story. It told the truth. We were a family-a happy family. Now that same portrait just looks like a lie."