44 Quotes by Brian L. Weiss

  • Author Brian L. Weiss
  • Quote

    I thought about how people tended to congregate in homogeneous groups, avoiding and often fearing outsiders. This was the root of prejudice and group hatreds. “We also must learn not to just go to those people whose vibrations are the same as ours.” To help these other people. I could feel the spiritual truths in her words.

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  • Author Brian L. Weiss
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    Mother Teresa wrote, “I am sure that if we all understand the Golden Rule – that God is Love and that He has created us for greater things, to love and to be loved – we would then love one another as He has loved each one of us. True love is a giving until it hurts. It is not how much we give – but how much love we put into the giving.

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  • Author Brian L. Weiss
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    Realize that life is more than meets the eye. Life goes beyond our five senses. Be receptive to new knowledge and to new experiences.

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  • Author Brian L. Weiss
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    Poor health tends to make narcissists of us, and narcissism makes us blind to compassion, empathy, anger management, and patience – all elements that, when mastered, will lead us higher up the evolutionary scale toward immortality.

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  • Author Brian L. Weiss
  • Quote

    For you know that you can get nothing more out of this lifetime. When you have time, when you have had the time to rest and re-energize your soul, you are allowed to choose your re-entry back into the physical state. Those people who hesitate, who are not sure of their return here, they might lose the chance that was given them, a chance to fulfill what they must when they’re in physical state.” I.

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  • Author Brian L. Weiss
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    Unconditional love does not ask for anything in return. This pure love never creates dependencies or debts. It simply exists. An absolute energy, it never ends. It instantly connects lifetimes centuries apart and promises that all loved ones will be entwined throughout eternity. Witness.

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  • Author Brian L. Weiss
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    As we become aware of our spiritual nature, we recognize our true essence. We are immortal and divine. Renouncing violence, hate, dominance, selfishness, and ownership of people and things becomes even easier with this recognition. Accepting love, compassion, charity, hope, faith, and cooperation becomes the natural thing to do.

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  • Author Brian L. Weiss
  • Quote

    If you can leave a relationship with love, empathy, and compassion, without any thoughts of revenge, hatred, or fear, that is how you let go.

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