56 Quotes by Brian Schweitzer

  • Author Brian Schweitzer
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    The plan is to continue with pumps to keep the water below that level and then treat the water that they pump out and that's going to have to go on until the end of time,

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  • Author Brian Schweitzer
  • Quote

    Montana has always been hesitant to jump head-first into a lawsuit, ... However, the time has come to make sure that the interests of the people of Montana are heard. Montana intends to present a moderate voice in this otherwise contentious area.

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  • Author Brian Schweitzer
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    Only by working together will we be able to form a stable, long-term energy policy that protects the citizens and ratepayers of Montana and protects our environment, while further strengthening our economy,

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  • Author Brian Schweitzer
  • Quote

    Ninety percent of them don't ride horses and many of them don't shoot a gun, but my ads said visually that I understand Montana. My gender gap disappeared. I think I have just summed up why Democrats lose elections.

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  • Author Brian Schweitzer
  • Quote

    I have been to high schools all across Montana. If you haven't been to them look lately, I will take you to them, across the street, down the alley, across the parking lot, on the noon hour, before school, after school and I will show you where high school students are learning to smoke.

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  • Author Brian Schweitzer
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    I am just a Montana farmer. I don't know if what I say or do is exportable. It is a long way from Little League to playing for the Yankees.

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  • Author Brian Schweitzer
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    He's a bright guy, and he has a good understanding of what we are dealing with here, ... He was unequivocal. He said he has no interest in degrading the water or the air in the Flathead basin.

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