99 Quotes by Brian Selznick

"Since I spend such a long time making each book, I only choose books that I’m really interested in and that I really love."


"It’s fun to see how other artists adapt my work."


"I’ve always loved children’s books – it’s not that I didn’t like them, I just didn’t think I wanted to do that. But then I suddenly realized I did..."


"Remember, Little Nightingale, you can always stop doing dangerous things. And you can prove yourself trustworthy, right? Start by forgiving your uncle for his anger. That would be a nice gift."


"Albert casually tossed everything back into the water. “Walking along the shore here is like walking on history,” he said. “It’s like walking on an endless catalogue of lost stories waiting to be told, and they will be lost one day, too. Whatever the case, it’s all beneath your feet, right now."


"Did you ever notice that all machines are made for some reason?′ He asked Isabelle. ‘They are built to make to make you laugh, like the mouse here, or to tell the time, like clocks, or to fill you with wonder, like the automaton. Maybe that’s why a broken machine always makes me a little sad, because it isn’t able to do what it was meant to do."


"El mundo estaba lleno de maravillas."


"I like the pages to turn. I like the bookness of the book."


"I think the most important thing you can do is to keep drawing no matter what. And to not be afraid of drawing whatever interests you. If there is something that you want to draw, to make, then I think you should pursue it and not let anybody tell you that you can't do it."
