209 Quotes by Bruce Schneier

  • Author Bruce Schneier
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    Retail store surveillance systems register our presence, even if we are doing nothing but browsing and even if we pay for everything in cash.

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  • Author Bruce Schneier
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    A colleague once told me that the world was full of bad security systems designed by people who read Applied Cryptography.

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  • Author Bruce Schneier
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    Innocents and criminals alike use cell phones, e-mail, and Dropbox. It rains on the just and the unjust.

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  • Author Bruce Schneier
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    You can think of the difference between tactical and strategic oversight as the difference between doing things right and doing the right things. Both are required.

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  • Author Bruce Schneier
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    Surveillance is the business model of the Internet for two primary reasons: people like free, and people like convenient. The truth is, though, that people aren’t given much of a choice. It’s either surveillance or nothing, and the surveillance is conveniently invisible so you don’t have to think about it.

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  • Author Bruce Schneier
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    People don’t understand computers. Computers are magical boxes that do things. People believe what computers tell them.

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  • Author Bruce Schneier
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    One of the most surreal aspects of the NSA stories based on the Snowden documents is how they made even the most paranoid conspiracy theorists seem like paragons of reason and common sense.

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  • Author Bruce Schneier
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    In 2015, a petabyte of cloud storage will cost $100,000 per year, down 90% from $1 million in 2011.

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