209 Quotes by Bruce Schneier

  • Author Bruce Schneier
  • Quote

    Apple has a worldwide database of Wi-Fi passwords, including my home network’s, from people backing up their iPhones.

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  • Author Bruce Schneier
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    In the 17th century, the French statesman Cardinal Richelieu famously said, “Show me six lines written by the most honest man in the world, and I will find enough therein to hang him.” Lavrentiy Beria, head of Joseph Stalin’s secret police in the old Soviet Union, declared, “Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.” Both were saying the same thing: if you have enough data about someone, you can find sufficient evidence to find him guilty of something.

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  • Author Bruce Schneier
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    US government secrecy has exploded. No one knows the exact number – it’s secret, of course – but reasonable estimates are that hundreds of billions of pages of government documents are classified in the US each year.

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  • Author Bruce Schneier
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    Complexity is the worst enemy of security, and our systems are getting more complex all the time.

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  • Author Bruce Schneier
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    Or we fear terrorists more than the police, even though in the US you’re nine times more likely to.

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  • Author Bruce Schneier
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    When my mother gets a prompt ‘Do you want to download this?’ she’s going to say yes. It’s disingenuous for Microsoft to give you all of these tools with which to hang yourself, and when you do, then say it’s your fault.

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  • Author Bruce Schneier
  • Quote

    If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear.” This is a dangerously narrow conception of the value of privacy. Privacy is an essential human need, and central to our ability to control how we relate to the world. Being stripped of privacy is fundamentally dehumanizing, and it makes no difference whether the surveillance is conducted by an undercover policeman following us around or by a computer algorithm tracking our every move.

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  • Author Bruce Schneier
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    The very definition of news is something that hardly ever happens. If an incident is in the news, we shouldn’t worry about it. It’s when something is so common that its no longer news – car crashes, domestic violence – that we should worry.

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  • Author Bruce Schneier
  • Quote

    Our relationship with many of the Internet companies we rely on is not a traditional company–customer relationship. That’s primarily because we’re not customers. We’re products those companies sell to their real customers. The relationship is more feudal than commercial. The companies are analogous to feudal lords, and we are their vassals, peasants, and – on a bad day – serfs. We are tenant farmers for these companies, working on their land by producing data that they in turn sell for profit.

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