171 Quotes by Bruce Sterling

"I think I could write another book as surprising as this one, or even as weird as this one; but it would no longer surprise people that I can be surprising. My audience would no longer find it weird to discover that I can be weird."


"Mankind had always been surrounded by the miraculous. Nothing much had ever come of it."


"Privacy under what circumstance? Privacy at home under what circumstances? You have more privacy if everyone’s illiterate, but you wouldn’t really call that privacy. That’s ignorance."


"It’s a truism in technological development that no silver lining comes without its cloud."


"I like to get paid for doing basic research, so it’s pleasant to write some nonfiction about it."


"You don’t get to cut that chain of evidence and start over. You’re always going to be pursued by your data shadow, which is forming from thousands and thousands of little leaks and tributaries of information."


"A dagger is the noble weapon of Brutus. Everyone understands that tyrants fall to daggers. A bomb is a sordid modern device with many complex working parts. Only engineers understand bombs."


"Life, and intelligence, do not mix very well."


"I am not ranting. I possess a perspective here that you people, who are locked in the ivory basements of your own sub-cultures, simply do not possess."


"Microsoft, for its part, will cheerfully run the search engine Bing at a loss, for the sake of hampering Google’s freedom of action."
