150 Quotes by Bruce Willis

"I could never write my memoirs, just because too many people are still alive and would be hurt."


"You can kind of judge how old a film is by the size of the cell phones."


"My friends are always honest with me about films. But I really wanted to talk to regular people and kind of have a forum to interact with them; not just about films, but about everything."


"I always question whether it's the right time for anything I do."


"I never think there's any competition between films. I root for everybody's films. I especially have a fond place in my heart for graphic novels and comics."


"I think that the "what if" game is what you guys get to do. I don't have to do that. I hate the "what if" game. I'm such a believer in everything happening the way it's supposed to happen."


"If I had a choice, I would do comedy all the time. It's just the most challenging thing. To make someone laugh is the most challenging thing, and the most rewarding thing, in entertainment."


"I know how to turn it on [computer]. I know where the disc goes: in that little slot but I can't always get it out. And I have three genius-level computer savvy kids who save my ass all the time. I'll tell you what I don't do. I don't watch the news on TV anymore. I get my news online. And like all of you, I Google whoever I want."


"What I say is what I say, I don't always say the right thing, I don't always say the politically correct thing. I don't have any regrets about that."


"There's a long history of all kinds of cop films... But all these films are really about the same thing: the good guys triumphing over the bad guys."
