660 Quotes by C.G. Jung

  • Author C.G. Jung
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    Когда мы переключаем интерес на что-то, мы тем самым оставляем в тени те вещи, о которых думали ранее. Так луч прожектора, осветив одно место, оставляет другое в темноте.

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  • Author C.G. Jung
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    мизонеизм" — страх перед новым и неизвестным.

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  • Author C.G. Jung
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    Круг — это символ психики (даже Платон описывает психику как сферу). Квадрат и нередко прямоугольник являются символами земной материи, тела и реальности.

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  • Author C.G. Jung
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    There is a desert on the moon where the dreamer sinks so deeply into the ground that she reaches hell.

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  • Author C.G. Jung
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    Psihopatologia ştie cu suficientă siguranţă ce îi poate face inconştientul conştiinţei.

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  • Author C.G. Jung
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    We are not what happened to us, we are what we wish to become.

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  • Author C.G. Jung
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    Dreams pave the way for life, and they determine you without you understanding their language.

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  • Author C.G. Jung
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    The truth is that poets are human beings, and what a poet has to say about his work is often far from being the most illuminating word on the subject. What is required of us, then, is nothing less than to defend the importance of the visionary experience against the poet himself.

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  • Author C.G. Jung
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    Există mult mai mulţi oameni care se tem de inconştient decât ne-am aştepta. Lor le este frică de propria umbră.

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