106 Quotes by C.L. Wilson
- Author C.L. Wilson
If you wish to serve me, as you have bloodsworn yourself to do, you must do so with honor. And that does not include introducing yourself by name to people like my mother in order to terrify them into submission.”"Kem'falla—" Gaelen protested."Don't bother to deny it," she snapped.
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- Author C.L. Wilson
She had prayed for someone else, anyone else but Den. She'd been hoping for a nice, quiet man like Papa. Instead, the gods had sent her the man who'd scorched the world.
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- Author C.L. Wilson
Dark, shadowy figures moved closer, circling. Torel pulled his two seyani longswords free of their scabbards. "Come, then!" He shouted. "Come dance with the tairen, if you dare! Miora felah ti' Feyreisa! Joy to the Feyreisa! And death to you all!"And he became a whirling blur of motion - black leather, shining steel, red blood - spinning in the moonlight, delivering death to all he touched until he moved no more.
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- Author C.L. Wilson
You think a courtship and a hunt are two separate things.” Ari grinned, showing gleaming white teeth with battle fangs fully extended. “They’re not.
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- Author C.L. Wilson
He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it, a tender gesture that made her heart melt. "Come. Let us dance the skies together.
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- Author C.L. Wilson
There's not a Fey warrior born who does not dream of finding his truemate, so at night, after my parents went to bed, I would sneak out of the shellaba and lie beneath the stars and ask the gods if they could somehow find a way to give a tairen a truemate.
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- Author C.L. Wilson
Behind your enemy’s smile lies treachery. Show him that behind yours lies steel. Fail to do so, and you only make him bolder.
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- Author C.L. Wilson
All great gifts come with a great price," Bel murmured.
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- Author C.L. Wilson
And perhaps pigs will grow gills and swim with the kracken.
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