101 Quotes by Cal Thomas

  • Author Cal Thomas
  • Quote

    I sense a general hostility toward Christianity among the literary and media establishments in our country. There is a tendency to keep Christian thinking out of the mainstream, to marginalize it and make it look like a product of ‘fringe’ groups.

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  • Author Cal Thomas
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    It is now possible to live a “christian life” without doing the things that Jesus commanded us to do. We have hired people to go into all the world, to visit those in prison, to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to care for widows and orphans. The average Christian doesn’t have to do it.

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  • Author Cal Thomas
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    Homo-sexuals should not be censored, but neither should those who oppose their point of view. That’s called free speech.

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  • Author Cal Thomas
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    America’s most dangerous diseases have developed an immunity to politics. We suffer not from a failure of political organization or power, but a failure of love.

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  • Author Cal Thomas
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    Victimhood and a ‘can’t do’ spirit is what the Democratic Party has mostly been about since the Great Depression.

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  • Author Cal Thomas
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    Freedom is a lonely battle, but if the United States doesn’t lead it – sometimes imperfectly, but mostly with honor – who will?

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  • Author Cal Thomas
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    To suggest that a person’s strongly held religious view is less tolerant than a strongly held antireligious view is morally, intellectually, and politically inconsistent and incorrect.

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  • Author Cal Thomas
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    Sometimes people need a kick in the pants to get them to do what they would be doing if government weren’t there as a perpetual parent.

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  • Author Cal Thomas
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    Don’t liberal Democrats ever learn economic principles, or does their class warfare trump all else?

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