63 Quotes by Carl Safina

  • Author Carl Safina
  • Quote

    Saving the world requires saving democracy. That requires well-informed citizens. Conservation, environment, poverty, community, education, family, health, economy- these combine to make one quest: liberty and justice for all. Whether one’s special emphasis is global warming or child welfare, the cause is the same cause. And justice comes from the same place being human comes from: compassion.

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  • Author Carl Safina
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    People have told me that a wolf looks right through you. But you know what I realize? That’s because a wolf isn’t interested in you. It’s always hard for humans to accept that we’re not the most important thing anyone’s ever seen.

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  • Author Carl Safina
  • Quote

    If wildlife cannot exist there will be poor quality for human life. A better world for wildlife means a better world for human life.

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  • Author Carl Safina
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    When my experiences with dogs and other animals – and people – were fewer, I used to think it silly for people to speak of dogs as “family” or other animals as “friends.” Now I feel it’s silly not to. I’d overestimated the loyalty and staying power of humans and underestimated the intelligence and sensitivity of other animals. I think I understand both better. Their gifts overlap, though they are different gifts.

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  • Author Carl Safina
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    Soon after George W. Bush took over the White House after losing the “popular vote” – which in other countries is called the “election” –.

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  • Author Carl Safina
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    The revelation is this: don’t wait for some revelation. We make our own luck.

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  • Author Carl Safina
  • Quote

    I don’t mean to imply that I value the life of a fish or a bird the same way I value a human life, but their presence in the world has as much validity as does our presence. Perhaps more: they were here first; they are foundational to us. They take only what they need. They are compatible with the life around them.

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  • Author Carl Safina
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    Species differ – but are often not very different. Only humans have human minds. But believing that only humans have minds is like believing that because only humans have human skeletons, only humans have skeletons.

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  • Author Carl Safina
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    It is said that humans are defined and distinguished from other animals by our ability to use tools and language, but often I wonder if the most uniquely human trait is our ability to deceive ourselves.

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